Wow, thanks for sharing your public health and epidemiology expertise to help me understand further how Covid has affected all of us.

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Thanks for reading :)

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This is precisely the kind of analysis that makes an impact. Like others, I consume news headlines and sound bytes, and it's rare to understand the full effects of the news being reported without sufficient background and reasoning. Thank you!

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The information you have provided is critical for understanding and for formulating an appropriate response. Your analysis is enlightening and frightening. I detect 4 major factors that make the numbers of deaths greater than those attributable only to the Covid virus infection. They are economic inequity, racial discrimination, poor to absent government response and cultural despair. For example, economic inequity has been growing rapidly since 1975 when the top 1% had 9% of earned income and the bottom 90% earned 67% of income. Now, the top 1% claim 22% of income while the bottom 90% earn just 50% of income. Many changes during this time frame have contributed to this growing chasm! Racial discrimination has existed in American since its founding and continues to its present. It has yet to be fully illuminated and addressed. I don’t need to expound on the disastrous government mismanagement of the pandemic as all observant and ethical Americans have watched it occur daily during Trump’s term. Finally, cultural despair is confirmed by the numbers of deaths among middle-aged non-college-educated rural whites from alcohol, drug overdose, opioid addiction and suicide. Strong community and family ties and religious beliefs have historically lessened those types of death. The divisions between Americans need to be universally addressed and closed. Keep up your effort to help teach us answers to achieve that.

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