How about US preparation for a Monkey Pox sto Are there no good Epidemiologists advising Biden ? After the horrors experienced by Jews in Europe its astounding its astounding that Isreal can do much the same to the Palistinians. Hitler demanded his Leibenstraum and the Israeli 's have their God given right to their God Promised ho…
How about US preparation for a Monkey Pox sto Are there no good Epidemiologists advising Biden ? After the horrors experienced by Jews in Europe its astounding its astounding that Isreal can do much the same to the Palistinians. Hitler demanded his Leibenstraum and the Israeli 's have their God given right to their God Promised homeland. Too bad. If we're God (whatever that is aside from a feigned justification trumped up by humans to justify their agregious self serving behaviors.
How about US preparation for a Monkey Pox sto Are there no good Epidemiologists advising Biden ? After the horrors experienced by Jews in Europe its astounding its astounding that Isreal can do much the same to the Palistinians. Hitler demanded his Leibenstraum and the Israeli 's have their God given right to their God Promised homeland. Too bad. If we're God (whatever that is aside from a feigned justification trumped up by humans to justify their agregious self serving behaviors.