Sadly, no government has unstained hands on issues of genocide. It follows an ancient human tradition of stealing resources (human, agricultural, mineral,...) by calling the beholder an "enemy", overcoming them by force, then taking their stuff. As the 1960s poster said: 'It will be a great day when schools get all the money they need, and the air force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber.'

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We pick and choose whose human rights abuses to sanction. Some regimes get a pass, including Israel and Saudi Arabia, as you mention. So our outrage rings hollow. As well, this amounts to a form of saber-rattling, which we can little afford.

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I am deeply skeptical of the reports of human rights abuses in the Xingjiang region of China. I suspect this is a classic example of pre-conflict misinformation and propoganda. It preys upon people's compassion in order to demonize a potential rival. I think it's incredibly important to be diligent in verifying these serious allegations. My sources tell me that since 2008 over 1200 journalists and reps of human rights groups from 100 different countries have visited Xinjiang and have found no basis for these allegations.

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Your Incision insights and commentaries are powerful and on point. You have acquired knowledgeable and potent followers and respondents. It all needs to be shouted from the highest mountains, heard and acted on.

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