hooray, a balanced presentation.

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The disparity between the haves and the have nots, in its most recent iteration, started under Reagan and accelerated under Trump. The economic disparity has grown wider and the middle class is shrinking. In the most economically prosperous county in the world this must be stopped. Biden is trying to revive the middle class with legislation to benefit the vast majority of Americans but he is being stalled, and perhaps stopped, by the rich and powerful. Cries of socialism are growing and drowning out the pleas for equity. A time of crisis is also a time during which significant and meaningful change is possible. What happens during the remainder of his tenure will determine the fate of most of us far into the future. The rich and the powerful MUST NOT be allowed to dictate the outcome. Stand up for the democratic process and for what is right for most of us. The time is now; speak up and be heard. Protect your right to vote and cast that vote for those who believe in helping us all!

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