He is and always has been too far to the right for me. His reappointment of Republican super finance supporter as Chair of the Fed. And maintaining an illegal embargo on Cuba for example.

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No criticism whatsoever of your article. You are saying what needs to be said. I am so frustrated with the establishment Dems.

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Oh, please. He can’t even do the things that he is able to like canceling student debt. What confuses me is he would be so much more popular if he did something like that. I think the idea is for the Democrats to win so we can hold off fascism for another four years? That is not going to happen if there isn’t material improvement in the conditions of the working class. And if Manchin and Sinema are so recalcitrant about the filibuster or in the hands of the Republicans that we can’t do things like the child tax credit then please, let’s do an easy fix that’s going to improve the lives of most younger people. I continue to do the work I believe in to try to elect the best people but I fear for our country If the rich relatively out of touch folks at the upper echelon of the Democratic Party don’t wake up to the grief and misery that many people live in now. Not to mention facing up to the racism as well.

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