I try to understand, but I am lost. Does this make me a racist? I'm somewhat gifted intellectually, but does my ignorance condemn me. I imagine this is how many white folks feel. A clearer and simpler way to understand this needs to exist. I can understand "white privilege", for instance, like when a cop pulls you over, if you're a white woman, you wonder if you'll get a ticket or a warning, but if your black, you wonder if this your last day on earth. A profound difference! But, while I don't dispute that something needs to be done, I don't know what to do except to live a good life and to change what I do see is wrong.

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I heard the instigator of CRT today on Morning Joe. Here’s what’s wrong: (Sorry forget his name, there’s a recent New Yorker article about him) He and Joe both asserted they want the history of slavery and Jim Crow taught to kids, but don’t like the anti-capitalist slant in CRT. So what about Capitalism? Wealth and power were based on land holdings in Europe until ships evolved and were sent out from Europe to find new sources of wealth. And then to plunder what they found! Capitalism was wholly based on White Europeans believing they were a “superior race” to black and brown people, so it was ok to conquer “inferior” peoples and to steal their wealth. Whether the wealth was in art/cultural holdings, minerals in the ground or in the sale of actual human beings. The slave trade was all important to the rise of Capitalism! The Dutch East India Co was an imperialist method of stealing wealth from India, for example, which thenexpanded into a despotic government in control of POC.

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Most people in the US do not know what Critical Race Theory, is.

Racists are mediating it as a messaging ploy; to further embed hatred for American's of color. That is their intention.

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I forgot to address why the right wing hates CRT so much? Why does the right wing hate virtually everything about race, not to be too simple, it is because they are racists and CRT represents the boogie word on things. Beyond that, there isn’t one of them including Stephen Miller that has a clue of what CRT is about. No matter CRT provides them with another racist target to bash on behalf of the right’s collective ignorance and racism.

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With respect to "critical race theory," my co-authors Paul Leighton, Allison Cotton and I have defined it as one of several hybrid theories similar to critical legal studies and radical feminist critiques used to analyze crime and justice throughout society in the fifth edition of our Class, Race, Gender, and Crime: The Social Realities of Justice in America (2018). Here's a link: https://www.amazon.com/Class-Race-Gender-Crime-Realities/dp/1442268859. More specifically, we go on to say on page 59 that "building on critical sociology, neo-Marxism, and post modernism, critical race theory assumes that racism is an ingrained aspect of American society that cannot be readily remedied by the law." We also apply CRL as one of the lenses we use to the understand the administration of police, courts, and corrections in America.

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