Mar 25, 2021Liked by Abdul El-Sayed

Three years ago I marched on Washington with the survivors of the Parkland shooting, and was able to meet them, and the now much older survivors of Sandy Hook. I was able to experience their pain, and their anger right along with them, and nearly a million others. Upon returning home, I was cursed by many of my family members and, now former, friends for attending the march.

Sadly, a large number of Americans have been indoctrinated beyond any form of logic. To them, a simple background check is “Violating their second amendment.” Even more sad is that the majority of Americans are pro-gun reform, yet those in Washington no longer represent their constituents. They represent the smaller, yet louder minority. Representative democracy is hanging by a thread because of the current makeup of the house/senate, and those who are legitimately radical, or being radicalized, white republicans.

This issue, again, only adds to the barrage of logical reasons to eliminate the filibuster. Thanks for this article. -Norm

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Your activism matters, Norm. Thank you. It's crazy that we haven't gotten there yet--even after Sandy Hook and Parkland and...We have a responsibility to keep pushing. This should not and cannot keep happening in our country. Please keep pushing.

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Mar 25, 2021Liked by Abdul El-Sayed

My response to Senator Manchin's statement about background checks going too far for

purchasing between individuals, makes me think about auto purchasing between individuals. We seem to have many more laws and better enforcement of laws with regards to buying and selling and owning a car, whether it's from a commercial seller or individual. "Each automobile must have a unique serial number that tracks its usage, and it is illegal to use one unless you are trained, tested, insured, certified, and re-certified regularly to ensure you are capable of using it safely." (Isaac Saul)

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Senator Manchin should stop calling himself a Democrat. Period. Either that, or give up his unilateral power grab by taking advantage of a 50/50 split Senate

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Thank you for writing about this issue, the guns need to be regulated and the lawmakers need to find some courage to do it.

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