We really are up against the corporate elite and their minions. Not what’s for the people, what’s for the campaign donars. We have more grassroots organizing to do.

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Q: Why is campaign finance reform like the weather? A: Because in both cases everyone talks about it, but no one does anything about it. As long as our laws allow elected officials to be beholden to corporate interests, those are the interests those officials will represent.

Would Gavin Newsom and his family have fallen into penury if he had displayed real leadership and put his political capital where his mouth is? Of course not. This emperor and his entire court have no clothes, where, to be clear, “clothes” means personal integrity. Shameful, shameful. Newsom should have been sworn in with his hand on a stack of dollars.

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They’re not cowards- they’re corrupt. Democrats take more money from Pharma and the medical industry than Republicans

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I would like to see single payer implemented but am skeptical it can be done at the state level. States need to balance budgets. In order to make state level MFA work would take big investment -

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This is why we need real socialism so we can have a much needed actual public health system.

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