The perfect topic for the first post! Exquisitely written, yet, quite sadly, only half of the American population will feel the way I did while reading it. Even so, I believe that the slightest exposure to such a relevant and truthful piece holds the powerful potential to cause common believers of disinformation to question their beliefs as well as the information they are consuming quite regularly. Most important though, the courage to question the individuals who post such disinformation rather than worshipping them.

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Norm - thanks for your thoughts! What I hope I was able to fully communicate is that it's a *system* of disinformation that needs dismantling. Often, the folks who are participating don't see the system working around them to feed them a steady-stream of disinfo from others.

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Your first article is very informative and I have posted on FB and Twitter saying that I am happy for have signed up for $70 a year! Now I actually need to know how to create a password for my account so I don't have to get a link each time from my comcast.net e-mail account in order to comment! Tech stuff!

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Thank you for being a Full Subscriber and for reading and sharing! Really appreciate you. This may be helpful: https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/categories/360002411451-Readers

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I was able to get the e-mail and now have a password!

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