One point that is hardly ever considered when costs are discussed is return on investment (ROI). Take, for example, affordable, high quality child care as a service everyone can access. We have short term returns with parents able to go to work or school without worry; and long term investment returns such as the emotional health of adults when they have a nurturing birth-five year experience and support for their parents. The economic ROI is only one way to measure success. There are so many other "quality of life" returns that are difficult to quantify with data, but can be seen anecdotally.

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Good to read about the VA election in historical context. The Democratic candidate in the VA governor's race was Bill Clinton's self described, best buddy. Clinton did many things, some good, but over time he is remembered for these two: End Welfare as We Know It, and Nafta,(North American Free Trade Agreement). NAFTA took many millions of jobs to places where the labor is cheaper. Families continue to suffer severely from the actions of this previous Democratic administration.

The VA Democratic candidate McAullife and the Republican candidate, Youngkin were pretty much the same ; a corporate Democrat and a corporate Republican. This kind of contest raises the question, Why Vote? Perhaps that Outcome, was the reason for these candidates!

Interesting that American news media fails to inform about the great victories by progressive Democrats last night, and what that means for future elections: Mayors in Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, etc; along with many other races...

The constant retelling of the VA governor's race is a fable. The lesson of the story is, Do not Vote. That is how they win and create policies like NAFTA.

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I was at Abdullah Hammoud’s celebration that night. And that’s what I’m taking with me :)

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