Jul 13, 2022Liked by Abdul El-Sayed

Only a quick comment: Rather than 18 year terms, the terms should be 17 because 17 is a prime number and is thus less likely to fall on election years. It isn't impossible, of course, but less likely. Nature uses this number for a cicada species, because many predators have two year life-cycles. Many good suggestions in this piece....

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I am relieved that I can re-read this later and start to really get a grip on this whole issue. I appreciate my sub to your whole enterprise.

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Thanks, Dr. El-Sayed, for this thoughtful and well-informed essay. If (and it is a BIG if) enough people raise a big enough ruckus, sufficient to rattle the halls of Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court, we can and WILL effect change. You are right, of course, that democracy is not easy, but that is the only way we will get it to work. Voting alone will not do it, not in this grotesquely rigged electoral system we've got now.

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You are not only brilliant but also malleable. Thank you for your service.

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These are positive proposals, Dr. El-Sayed. I’ve sketched out even more progressive suggestions here: https://nickcoccoma.substack.com/p/lotteries-and-the-supreme-court?r=7ymja&utm_medium=ios

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